Support affordable Units in the 41st Ward
As retaliation for agreeing to include the required amount of affordable units in a proposed planned development in the 41st Ward, Ald. Napolitano continues to use his aldermanic prerogative to keep it from being built. Use this form to ask members of the City Council Zoning Committee to refuse to assist him in this effort, and approve the GlenStar O'Hare development--which would include 30 on-site affordable units.

Lift the ban on rent control
In Chicago, where a majority of residents rent their homes, huge numbers of our neighbors are rent-burdened, many of them severely so. With the COVID-19 economic crisis falling disproportionately on the shoulders of the most vulnerable, a repeal of Illinois' ban on rent control (written by the right-wing group ALEC in 1997) is long overdue. Fill out this form to tell your state lawmakers to support the effort Lift the Ban!

organize tenants on the nw side
Are you a tenant on Chicago's Northwest Side who is interested in organizing other tenants in your building or neighborhood? Neighbors for Affordable Housing can help connect you with organizations and resources to support your work. Fill out our NW Side Tenant Intake Form and we'll help get the ball rolling!